Your journey continues...

Congratulations –

You made quite the journey to get to the end of Phase 2.0. At this point, you should have:

  • Completed Phase 1.0
  • Locked in your Phase 1.0 Time Capsule
  • And completed Phase 2.0

If you still need to complete Phase 01 or 02, it's recommended to return to those first. Otherwise, you're ready to proceed –

Meeting Your Future Self?

As you know, this Time Capsule is about you...

It records a snapshot of your mind – because who you are right now will most likely differ from the person you meet in the future.

But to know what changed, first you need to capture your thought process –

Your true intentions. Sense of identity. Motivations...

How to Build Your Journey Sequence?

Each Time Capsule produces a Cerebral Imprint.

This imprint outputs a set of numbers representing your choices for that Phase. In this case, Phase 2.0 –

This number is unique in many ways. Not only does it represent your choices for this phase, but it builds the next segment of your Journey Sequence. And this Phase has even more variations than the last – 240 possible combinations to be precise...

But why does that matter?

Well, not only does this record a snapshot of your distinct thought process, it also serves as a way for you to discover how rare or common your thought process really is –

Because when you compare your sequence to others, it's often very surprising how different you think from others, which makes finding a Mind Match more difficult than you might think.

Do you have a Mind Match?

Each segment of your "Journey Sequence" has the chance of being a "Mind Match". But with each Phase having over hundreds of possibilities, it's rare to find.

During the input process, if you want to be notified of how rare your thought process is, let the Orb know and you'll be kept up to date with how your unique set of answers compares to others at scale.

Do you have a Mirror Mind?

Your journey is only beginning, and by the end of it, you'll have created an astronomically rare "Journey Sequence".

This sequence is unique to you and your thought process, but maybe you will be the one to find your "Mirror Mind"?

It's astronomically rare to uncover an exactly matched Journey Sequence throughout all 10 Phases of The Orb Evaluation... but –

If you're ready to proceed, go to the icon at the bottom of your screen to "imprint" your next segment with your Phase 2.0 Time Capsule.

Press the icon at the bottom 
of the screen to open
the time capsule

Submit your answers to lock the
time capsule and receive
your Cerebral Imprint.

Ready to experience the full journey?