what is the Orb?

Some may say the Orb is a robot with a metallic exterior. And a plasma red light in the center. Appearing from a portal, hovering in the air.

And others — just say it’s a glowing ball of light, materializing from a cloudy mist. Shimmering through a kaleidoscope of colors. But there’s no right or wrong way to describe the Orb. Perhaps, perception shapes each person’s experience?
mysterious black and red orb object in space

When the Orb arrives, everything changes.

We don’t know exactly what the Orb is. A living entity? Artificial Intelligence? Something else altogether? But, whatever it is, we know the Orb travels the entire universe. And even traverses different timelines.

But, for what purpose?

Well, that's easy — to visit life forms. More specifically, to visit you. Call it a chance encounter (if you believe in chance) — but either way, when the Orb arrives, everything changes.

abstract and mysterious space background
the word encounters with a floating "u"

It always begins as an ordinary day with no sign your life is about to change. But, of course, that’s when it happens — an unfathomable event. And just when it feels like there’s no way forward —

That’s when the Orb arrives.

This journey only requires your mind.

Sometimes the Orb provides an unbelievable offer. Other times — a startling solution to what seemed like an inescapable fate. Whatever the case, every encounter is unique, introspective, and potentially life-changing.

But, what type of change?

Well, that depends upon which option you choose.

mysterious black and red space backgroundthe word options with a floating "o"

It's certainly shocking when an otherworldly being appears out of thin air, but the Orb’s arrival is only a small part of the experience. It’s what the Orb brings with it that alters your life — the options.

Every choice you make reveals a little more of the mystery.

Your options are different with each encounter. And what you choose (or don't choose) has ripple effects, which can benefit your life, the world, even the universe. Or it could be very dire.

But, what happens after I choose?

Well, that depends. Each person is different. But with every choice you make, you reveal a little more of the mystery. Embarking upon a journey like no other.


black and red space background with mysterious lightsthe word journey with a floating letter "u"

This journey only requires your mind. And the deeper you delve, the more unpredictable it becomes. Because in this story —

You are the plot twist.

With every encounter. Every phase. You're challenged to evaluate a new set of options — questioning your preconceptions, your beliefs, and your identity.

But, what exactly am I evaluating?