orb 2.2

Below is chapter 06 from The Orb Evaluation – each chapter is separated into the following sections:

01. encounter

02. options

03. evaluation

04. decision


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You step from the curb, crossing the street.


A bus blows through the red light. You fall back, hitting the ground. Your lungs inhale, tightening your chest. You roll over. Your heart races.

“Are you ok?” says a man’s voice.

“Yea—I think so. That bus could’ve killed me. Did you just see that?”

You stand up from the ground.

“If you took one more step, the bus would’ve scattered you across the highway. And in that case, I’d probably have a different offer for you.”


You turn to see who’s talking. 

Your eyes widen.

“Hello there,” says the Orb.

Your hands spring up in self defense.

“I’ve arrived so you can unravel one of the greatest mysteries of all time.”

You hear his words, but you’re not processing them.

You turn and run.


Racing passed cars.

And pedestrians.

And even the bus that almost hit you. 

You keep sprinting until you’re light-headed.

You stop.



Struggling to breathe. 

You notice the car next to you isn’t moving. You stare down the road. None of the cars are moving. You look left. There’s a person. Frozen. Arm outstretched, mid-step.

A cool rush of air flows over your body. 

Long black and smoky tendrils snake up the street, draping the highway, the sidewalks, the cars. Then lifting into the sky.

All goes dark.

“Hello again.”

The Orb appears before you. 

Its aqua glow, illuminating the darkness.

“You can only venture so far in this frozen plane of existence before you enter a timeless realm such as this.”

“I, I don’t—I don’t know what you’re talking about. What? What do you want?”

“It’s not about what I want. It’s about what I have for you.”

“Am I—Am I dead?”

“Not at all, my friend. Time is just frozen. This usually makes it easier to decide.”

“Decide?—decide what?”

“I’m glad you asked.”

The Orb’s pulsating aura ignites the air. The molecules electrify and bubble into foamy clouds, separating into three colors. Purple and orange and green. Each cloudy plume forms into a levitating holographic screen. 

The three screens push forward.

“Please direct your attention to the screens.”

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Option 01: Origin Story

The purple screen moves forward. 

“There are three mysteries for you to consider. Each is represented as a question. Whichever one you choose, I will answer, providing not only a full explanation, but also a full visualization allowing you to see and experience it.”

The screen moves even closer. 

A question appears. 

The text reads:

How did the universe begin?

“Have you ever wondered where everything came from?”

“I mean, I have, but—well, yea, I have. But, but I don’t understand what’s happening? You’ll answer this question if I pick it?”

“Correct. I’ll reveal how everything started. You’ll discover if any scientific theory or religion cracked the mystery.”

“And that’s it? You show me the answer and I go home?”

“Precisely, my friend. Once I reveal the mystery, time unfreezes and you resume daily life.”

Perplexed, you stare.

“Why am I being—”

“Chosen to have this revealed to you?”

“Yea, I mean, this seems crazy. If you tell me the answer to this, what am I supposed to do?”

“That’s up to you. Knowing the answer can change you in many ways or maybe not at all. But let’s consider the next mystery before you make any decisions.”


Option 02: Aftermath

The first screen zooms backward. The second one flies forward, settling into place. It activates, glowing orange. Yellow text appears on-screen.

What Happens After You Die?

“If the birth of the universe isn’t piquing your curiosity, then how about death? More specifically, your death and what happens after you die? Not just what everyone wonders about or what science and religion theorize, but the truth.”

“You’ll show me exactly what happens?”

“Just like the first question, you’ll see a full visualization of the answer. You’ll witness your death and afterlife, discovering if the soul truly goes onward, or if there’s even a soul? Maybe the afterlife isn’t what you imagined at all, or it’s something so unbelievable you couldn’t even fathom? Either way, you’ll find out if you choose this option.”

Your eyes widen even more, staring at the question.

“And now for your last option.”

Option 03: Choose Your Own

The Orb moves the last screen forward.

“How about asking your own question?”

“My own question?”

“You can ask me whatever you want. With one stipulation. The question you ask must pertain to someone else. But this ‘someone else’ can be alive or dead.”

“So, I pick a person and ask any question at all? And you have to answer it?”

“Correct. Just tell me the name of the person. Then I’ll scan my infinite database of humankind.”

A screen appears, cycling with thousands of faces.

“This screen will display the person’s face. Once confirmed, ask any question about the details of their life. Then I’ll reveal the answer.”

“Really—you’re saying any person?”

“Any person.”

“And I don’t have to know the person?”

“Not at all. And it could be anyone from the dawn of time.”

Ideas flood your mind.

One question turns to a hundred. 

From family to friends to coworkers to ancient civilizations.

Any question.

Any person.

“That’s crazy. This entire situation. I mean, if this is real? It’s, it’s incredible, but crazy.”

“I assure you it’s real, my friend.”

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All three screens form a floating row, hovering in unison.

“When you’re ready, decide at any time?”

You peer at each screen.

“Do I have to decide?”

“If you’re not interested, you can decline them. And in that case, you’ll return to the curb right after the bus ran the red light, remembering none of this.”

“But if I choose one, I’ll remember everything?”

“That is correct.”

You stand and stare.


Your eyes scan the screens. 

You debate wiping your memory.

Forgetting everything.

Then second-guessing.

Do you really want to know an answer?


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Press the icon in the bottom of the screen
to select your option.


See how your option compares
to other people's decisions.



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