orb 3.1
Below is chapter 09 from The Orb Evaluation – each chapter is separated into the following sections:
01. encounter
02. options
03. evaluation
04. decision

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Just a few women by the entrance and an elderly couple at the front desk. Otherwise, the lobby is mostly empty. You peer at the gigantic clock hanging on the wall. It reads 1:34pm.
The elevator doors snap open. They’re tall and decorative. No one is inside. You step forward, wheeling your suitcase into the confined space. Then press button 113. The elevator doors shut. A creaky screech of gears signal the slow ascent.
Floor after floor passes until it settles on the 54th.
An old man hobbles on board.
He says nothing.
You say nothing.
The elevator continues upward. He exits on the 97th floor.
The rusty vessel trudges upward again.
On floor 103, you hear a pop. Followed by a loud metal clang. Then a twisting of steel. A slow moan of whining gears and then a grinding roar. The elevator plummets. You feel your stomach buzzing at the top of your throat. Your heart pounding a thousand times a second. Everything moving in slow motion and simultaneously racing. Your suitcase thrashing around your falling tomb. The elevator dropping even faster.
You brace for impact.
For death.
For a miracle.
You squeeze your eyes shut.
“If you’re seeking a miracle, you’re in the right place.”
You open your eyes.
The terrible soundtrack of whistling and pounding, crashing and clanging is suddenly gone. Your suitcase sits steady against the wall. No gears grinding. No wailing. Just a buzzing hum. And a floating silver sphere, hovering towards you.
“I said, you’re in the right place.”
A crimson light in the center of the sphere illuminates.
Not realizing you fell, you stand up.
“Is the—the elevator still falling?”
“No need to worry, my friend. I’ve given you a complimentary usage of Event Prevent.”
A card, resembling a credit card, materializes in the air.
“Event what? What’s—I don’t—what’s happening–”
Everything flashes white.
You feel a rush of frigid air bathe your body. The coldness fades, followed by a surge of heat. Then the light disappears and you’re in front of the elevator again. The clock reads 1:34pm. You glance around the lobby. Each person stands still.
“One event prevented. You’re welcome.”
The air next to you ripples, forming into a transparent gelatinous goo. In the center, the Orb pushes through the vortex.
“As you see, I rewound time, and now you won’t die, unless you board that elevator again.”
“But what—but how? How can you do that?”
“Like I said, with a complimentary usage of Event Prevent, but I can offer you much more.”
The lobby vanishes in another burst of light. This time replaced by darkness. A glowing blue floor appears. Matching walls scale up, and a ceiling materializes overhead. Vibrant magenta podiums rise from the floor. Five of them, bright and buzzing with color.
The Orb flies towards you.
“Not exactly your average day, is it?”
“I really, really don’t understand what’s happening?”
“It is your lucky day, my friend. And the universe has quite the offer.”
On each podium, an object appears. A credit card on the first, a small bottle filled with a purple liquid on the next. The third holds a key with skulls etched upon it. The fourth has another credit card, and the last one, a miniature gift box.
“You may select whichever one you want. But each product only works once. So you can use it today, 50 years from now, or never.”
You walk to the first podium, peering at the card.
“This is what you used to save me?”
“Most certainly. Always good to have in your back pocket.”
You stare at the other objects.
“Would you like to know what they do?”
Your eyes bounce from podium to podium.
You almost died a moment ago.
Maybe you did?
And now, a floating sphere is talking to you?
You continue staring.
Then look at the Orb.
“You really saved my life with that thing?”
“I did.”
“And I’m really alive, right now?”
“I assure you, you’re alive. But if you’re not interested in these items, there’s no pressure. You can decline and I’ll be on my way.”
You glance at the objects again.
You can’t shake the feeling of wanting to know more.
“Ok—I’ll—I’ll hear you out.”
“Splendid, my friend.”
The Orb burns a bright orange.

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Option 01: Event Prevent
The Orb hovers closer.
“As you’ve already experienced, with Event Prevent, you can stop something from happening in your life by reversing any event that occurs from this day forward. Like the elevator.”
“Stop anything? But, how would I know what to stop?”
“Well, let’s say you get in a car accident and you want to prevent that event from happening. To do so, say ‘activate’, and time freezes. The card reveals a list of events. Select the event, and the card prevents it from happening by rewinding time and undoing it.”
“So I can change events after they’ve happened?”
“Correct. You could even wait years and then reverse any personal event that involves you.”
“Unless it’s a life and death event like the elevator?”
“In that case, you would need to use it during the event and before your death. Otherwise, you would die first.”
“Well, that’s good to know.”
“But, Event Prevent doesn’t work just for you. If someone you know gets murdered. Or someone’s house burns down. Maybe a big earthquake or a terrorist attack? Or whatever event you wish to stop, you possess the power to reverse it.”
“Really? I can stop events that don’t involve me?”
“Just say ‘activate’, followed by the word ‘global’. Then the interface will allow you to select any recent event.”
“Even if people died?”
“Yes, any life and death events, not involving you, can also be reversed.”
“Oh wow. How long do I have to change an event?”
“You only have 12 hours to reverse a global event. Otherwise, the card updates with the most recent ones.”
“And I can only use it once?”
“That is correct.”
You stare at the card.
“Before you decide, let’s look at your next item.”
Option 02: Love Potion
The Orb ignites a vibrant magenta, flying to the next item. On the second podium, a small bottle sits. It’s filled with a glowing purple liquid.
“Ever wish that a certain person was in love with you? Maybe an old flame or a secret crush? Maybe someone grandiose, like a celebrity or famous person? Well, this Love Potion can make your dreams come true.”
The small bottle lifts from the table, floating towards you.
“How does it work?”
“Just tell me the name of the person. I’ll drop the potion in their morning coffee, or tea, or whatever they’re drinking. Once digested, this person exudes pure love for you.”
Perplexed, you peer at the potion.
“If I say anyone’s name, they’ll fall in love with me?”
“If they already know you, then you’ll be hearing from them soon. If you’re already in a relationship with the selected person, then this guarantees they never ‘fall out of love’ with you. And if you haven’t met this person before, then once you meet, instant love blooms.”
“That’s crazy.”
“But if you pick someone like a celebrity, you need to meet the person. Otherwise, they will be in love with you, but have no clue who you are.”
You shake your head, laughing.
“Completely nuts. This is unbelievable.”
“But just remember, it only works for one person, and only one time.”
You nod your head in understanding and disbelief.
“Now, let’s proceed to the third item.”
Option 03: Skeleton Key
The Orb floats to the third podium.
A key, emblazoned with skulls, lifts into the air, flying towards you.
“Next up is a rather unique item. Have you ever wondered about someone else’s life? A secret? A mystery? A curiosity about someone that haunts you? Well, with this Skeleton Key, you can expose that hidden truth.”
“So if I ask you a question about someone, you have to answer it?”
“If you immediately use it, then yes. But, you can save it for later. Then when you’re ready, just ask your question and I’ll reappear, revealing the answer through a screen projection. You’ll see the entire secret played out like a movie.”
“Does it matter if the person is living or dead?”
“Not at all. You can ask any question about any person, alive or dead.”
“Secrets always are. And now to the next podium.”
Option 04: Cure Card
The Orb hovers to the green card on the fourth podium.
“Worried someone in your life might get sick? With this card, you can ease your worries.”
“Really? How does it work?”
The card rises from the podium.
“Just say, ‘cure’ and the card’s interface appears. State the person’s name and select their image. Once selected, the card miraculously restores their health. An instant cure.”
“Wow. That’s unbelievable. So I can wait until a person gets sick and then cure them?”
“Correct, but that’s not it. Ever fear a widespread disease or a pandemic might breakout? Maybe even something like a zombie plague ravaging the world? Either way, just say, ‘cure outbreak’ and the screen displays a selection of sicknesses around the world. Then you can cure it with a press of a button.”
“But I can only use this once, like the others?”
“Correct. So if you cure a friend of cancer and a pandemic breaks out, you already depleted the card.”
You exhale.
“Makes it tough to decide when to use it then.”
“And even more tough when I explain one more detail.”
“What’s that?”
“You can only use it for others. You can’t cure yourself.”
“Oh really?”
The Orb spins to the last podium.
“Now let’s look at your final item.”
Option 05: One More Day
On the podium, a white box with a red ribbon sits.
The box lifts upward, levitating towards you.
“Have you ever wanted to see someone from your life again? Someone who has long since passed? Tell them something you never said while they were alive?”
You take a deep breath.
“I—I’m not sure. What do you mean?”
“I can connect you to someone from your life who has died.”
“Someone who has died?”
“Yes, my friend. I can v
You stare at the floating gift box.
Faces flash through your mind.
Quiet, you stand.
The Orb moves the box backward, lowering it to the podium.
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Your eyes jump from item to item.
The card.
The bottle.
The key.
The second card.
The gift box.
“Take all the time you need, my friend. There’s no rush.”
“And I don’t have to pick anything, right?”
“Correct. If you’d rather not select an item, feel free to let me know at any time.”
You nod your head.
“Ok—I need some time to think about this.”
You gaze at the items. Each one amazing in its own way. This entire situation is amazing. But also strange and frightening and baffling. But mostly frightening because it seems too good to be true.
You peer at each product.
Unsure what to select.
Or if you want to select at all.
“What should I do?”
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